creates a unidirectional channel
(chan size?)
A channel is a data structure used to generate a lazy sequence of values. The result is a hash-map consisting of an emit
function, a close
function, and a sequence. Depending on the size of the channel’s buffer, retrieving an element from the sequence may block, waiting for the next value to be emitted or for the channel to be closed. Emitting a value to a channel will also block until the buffer is flushed as a result of iterating over the sequence.
Channel Keys
*:seq* the sequence to be generated
*:emit* an emitter function of the form (emit value+)
*:close* a function to close the channel (close)
An Example
(let [ch (chan)]
(go (: ch :emit "foo")
(: ch :emit "bar")
(: ch :close))
(seq->vector (ch :seq)))